Monday, February 19, 2007

Poverty in Developinng Countries...

One of Colombia’s severe problems is poverty. 65% of the population is below the poverty line. Rural poverty is especially strict.

The poverty rate for rural dwellers in Colombia is estimated at 80%, of which 42% is considered extreme. Also, only 15% of rural dwellers have access to telephone services, 62% to potable water, and 32% to sewage treatment services. These conditions are exacerbated in rural areas by a 15% illiteracy rate. World Bank studies show that Colombia will require sustained economic growth of 4% through 2010 to reduce poverty to the levels recorded in 1995.

Developing countries
Developing nations have experienced severe problems with poverty. They can go to an extreme point in which can cause disease epidemics, starvation, and death. In some countries such as; Bangladesh, Ethiopia, North Korea, Somalia, and Sudan. People have starved and died do to famine. Around 1998 almost no one suffer this economic problem in which people earn than $1 a day!

Poverty affects everyone; children, women, elders, and people with disadvantages. In many nations women have very low privileges to work and they have low status. Women depend on men to support them, but still they don’t get enough.

Asian countries such as China, India, Korea, and Thailand have been widely accused of permitting or encouraging poor families to kill their female babies, a practice known as female infanticide. These countries are overpopulated, and their cultures promote the belief that men contribute more to economies and bring more wealth to their families than do women.

People who do not work such as; children, elders, and people with disadvantages. They all depend on their families or other support network for some necessary basic necessities. Still poor families or the neither the government of developing countries can support the nonworking people. Some poor children suffer those consequences.
Children have very weak systems, they can easily take diseases from extremely bad conditions. As a result the most poorest countries suffer of child disease and mortality. Children have low status and they suffer parental throw out and violence because for their parents they are not considered important.

What I think about poverty in developing countries, since what appears in my research. I totally agree with it. People do not work and they pretend that the government gives them work, but is also their problem because they don’t even try to look for one. That’s totally not responsible for adults, cause children can’t work, it’s a rule. In addition there are also families that depend on just one person to support them. If that one person looses his job the whole family would be poor just by not trying to look for a decent job.
I also think that normal people like me should start helping more with our country. If we see poor people in the streets begging for money we should try to help them. By just giving them a piece of bread and maybe take them to an orphanage their live will totally change.

What I will like to profoundest more my theme is poverty in developed countries and what is the difference between them. Also a topic that is bouncing in my head from one side to the other is how does the changing of president affect poor people and the way of life. And the difference it has on developed countries and developing countries. If I have time I will also would like to research about how does children or adults get to orphanages.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Poverty Causes and Effects

Poverty means: the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions

Since in Colombia we have lot’s of poverty I decided to make my post about the effects and causes it has on people. In Cartagena specially is one of Colombia’s most affected city by poverty. People are in the streets begging for money or just a single bread. In “El Pozón” which is the poorest village, there lives all the bad people from Cartagena. Is the most dangerous of all and almost no one goes there.

Some of the types of causes I found on Poverty in Google are:

Individual: Poverty is caused by individual circumstances do to characteristics of poor people.
•amount of education
•work orientation
•time horizon
•culture of poverty

Generic: Poverty is also caused by economy problems, such as:
•no jobs opportunities
•inadequate overall demand
•low national income

Effects on Poverty:
Poverty has extremely damaging effects. Many of the effects come from poor nutrition and physical health problems these result from having just a little of few resources. Infant Mortality varies a lot of poor are higher than average and life expectancies are lower than average. Other effects are; disease, metal illness, and drug dependence. Other effects that are very complicated and not really understandable are: studies link to crime, but that doesn’t means that all poor people are criminals or doing vandalism. Crime is not very common in Poverty (except in Cartagena, in here most of the effects are by being poor, they don’t have money so they steal things from other people and also do vandalism) what is most common in poverty in other places are hunger, no job, and that would lead to depression which sometimes can have influence in criminals behavior.

What I really think about poverty is no good for no one. First of all for us, we really don’t care about others people life, we only think of what we have and of who and what we want. If we see a little kid in the street asking for money the first thing that comes to our mind is that he is going to rob your purse or something like that. That may be true. In most of the cases they are just asking for bread and a home to sleep, since their parents have leave him alone given that they couldn’t take care of him do to money problems. What we could do about it? We can give him the piece of bread and also can take him to an orphanage. In fact, Miss Alba, my science teacher, has an orphanage for boys. She goes there like every 2 days in a week and she takes to them cake, coke, candy…etc. She told us one day that if we had some clothe to donate, and most of the boys of my class collaborated. In overall that is the best thing to do an orphanage and to take all the kids and also big people to come to it and can get some help.

I really love children, so what I would like to investigate more about on poverty is the causes children have.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Bulimia Nervosa

What I am concerned about is Bulimia. A perfect definition for it is:

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder where a person has a fear of becoming fat. People with bulimia binge-eat then make themselves sick and/or use laxatives to help themselves maintain their 'normal' weight.

Bulimia affects the most on teenage girls and women, men and boys usually don´t have these problem. The 90% most affected are females. They always want to have a hot body so they can go to the beach and the pool and not feel excluded from the club. That is really sad because no one is happy with what they have. We always want more and more.
While searching on the pages Mr. Hide gave us, I looked in BBC News and I found a very interesting treatment and all the effects bulimia has, and the damage it can cause to your body. Also there is a story about a twenty year old woman that she saw a page in which they were pressing her to be anorexic. She did what she had to do and became anorexic because of that, her name is Isabelle and she didn’t know that bulimia form part of eating disorder. You can also link to Lisette’s blog and see what really happened to the woman.
The symptoms of bulimia are when you see yourself in the mirror and you are steel skinny but you see yourself as a ball. Second, people do lots of exercise, diets, and even no eating!

What happens to your body:
• Dehydration
• Weakness, do to muscle wasting
• Hair growing (very thin) on your arms
• Irregular heart beat that can cause death

Diagnosis and Treatment
Anorexia is difficult to prevent because of developing unclear precisely how the conditions occur. Although there are some ways you can avoid anorexia. They are very risky; they are social press ion to be thin from your friends or club. Also low self-esteem and the most important step is recognizing that you have a problem.

What I think about bulimia is not good. The first thing that comes to my mind is people throwing up because they feel ashamed by their friends calling them fatty girl! I really think that is the worst thing in the world that people do that. If they want to look thin do diet, exercise, run, jump. Do wealthy things but not that stupid anorexia sickness.
What I like to do next with all of these is to try and search for some videos on internet of people that have pass through that. To investigate all the effects bulimia really has on anorexia. To see all the points that causes you to be anorexic or bulimic and some other explanation of how people get in to it and not do exercise or diet food or something like that? Also the main public bulimia has and why? And last but not least why women are more affected than men?